Patrick Lynch
Patrick has over a decade of experience working with Map Group UK having joined the team in September 2010. Patrick now works as a Compliance Manager.
What was your background prior to joining Map ?
Before Map I trained as a plumber for 2 years before coming into Map as an Apprentice.
What training programmes have you been involved in?
IOSH, FPE Inspection & Testing Various, Openreach Accreditations Lead Assessor Standard, BTEC Level 2 in ICT & Telecommunications (Apprentice).
How did these training programmes ensure you were ready for your career?
The training programmes gave me a deep understanding and confidence to progress myself within the telecommunications sector.
What made you select your chosen career?
With the pace of telecommunications starting to slowly ramp up in 2010, I thought it would be a great chance to start a career in the telecommunications sector. This is a role that I really enjoy and hopefully will for many more years to come.
What does a typical day look like in your role?
Dealing with management teams on quality and safety compliance to ensure all engineering teams are able to carry out works correctly and safely. I also help to ensure defects are kept low / avoided to meet our quality standards. I deliver training to make sure all staff have the right knowledge to carry out their works.